Tiktok — The Fast Era

2 min readOct 31, 2021

I am not going to lie. I like tiktok and people that create content out there. Some are very hilarious and some are very amazing. But that’s what we said to everything that was designed like this. We all know the dopamine effect of tiktok. Instant gratification, and us being indulged in hours. But it seems we are doing more harm than we think we are. When you use tiktok you are not merely harming your intellect.

  1. Inequality crisis.

I know may come off odd. BuT —

It’s true tiktok provides solid grounds to earn even to those with minimal means. But those who earn are only tiny proportion of poor people. The other uninvolved are being ruined.

It’s not new thing to know about data privacy on tiktok. They claim openly that they do have ability to take most of our data. After tiktok user reached its peak, it’s users have not merely become viewers of advertisement but giant cybernetic collection to program the immobile rags, we call robot. As we grow large in number, as we spend more time on it, we speed up the process of new era where making sense of mere life will be not comprehendable. We know how capitalism is like a sorcerer that cannot control it’s powers. It’s fast nature and competitive production didn’t prove out well to those that don’t have certain ceiling in hierarchy. As we love poor getting sustainable income and as we watch tiktok, just know that we are just hypocrites and warrior of justice only when it fits us fine.

2. Something is not right

It would be fine if every 5 second you sit down to work, you got a reward of just sitting down. But tiktok does that. It’s not bad that tiktok does it, what’s bad is when we leave tiktok and get to our work and realise that we are slowly losing our patience towards work, we know something isn’t right.

The nature of tiktok isn’t wrong but it doesn’t intertwine with reality we conduct ourselves.

3. The effortless heroes

There’s art in expression. Nobody likes your raw expression. But if you twist it with love as genuine artists, you can be sneaky enough to get the message to those that are capable of it.

But tiktok is epitome of expression. Just the inartistic portrayal will get you heard so many times that you will feel like you are being heard and what’s better than that? You won’t feel the need to improve. You will just be your own hero which is fine until you realize you are not.

Quality of everything is declining.




I am a science student leaning more towards tech and philosophies of tech.Not highly intellectual, nor very proficient writer. I love stories, absurd ones.